Decoding the Job Search

Job Search Readiness Quiz

If you’re about to begin a job search, you need to develop a strategy. Having one will make better use of your time, educate you on what to expect from the process and improve your chances of success.

Take the following quiz to learn how ready you are to begin your job search. Give yourself 1 point for every “Yes” and 0 for “No,” then add your total score.

1. Do you currently have a job search strategy in place?  Y/N

2. Do you know what you hope to accomplish by searching for a new job?  Y/N

3. Do you have a mentor in place to confer with?  Y/N

4. Is the timing right to begin a job search?  Y/N

5. Do you know the characteristics of the job you’re looking for?

a. Compensation range:  Y/N

b. Benefits desired:  Y/N

c. Training desired:  Y/N

d. Culture preferred:  Y/N

e. Contract or perm? Local or relocate?  Y/N

6. Is your resume up to date?

a. Good to go:  Y

b. Still needs some work: N

7. Have you been managing your personal brand appropriately online? Do you have a professional (appropriate) online presence?

a. Social media posts reviewed (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.):  Y/N

b. LinkedIn profile reviewed:  Y/N

c. Email addresses acceptable:  Y/N

8. Have you begun contacting your network of professional friends about your job search?  Y/N
9. Have you contacted a recruiter for help?  Y/N
10. Do you have references ready?  Y/N
11. Are you prepared to interview? When was the last time you interviewed?

a. Within the last year…Give yourself 1 point.

b. Within 3-5 years…Give yourself half a point.

c. More than 5 years ago…Don’t add any points.

12. Do you have questions ready to ask at the interview?   Y/N

13. Do you have success stories identified to share at the interview?  Y/N

14. Are you comfortable negotiating a salary?  Y/N

15. Are you prepared to resign from your current job?  Y/N

16. Have you talked with your spouse about the search?  Y/N

Total Score

  • 18-22 points:  You’re good to go.
  • 12-17 points:  Consider getting some help preparing for your search.
  • <12 points:  You’re not yet prepared for the job search, but this book can help with that.